Check out my intro video below and go to my YouTube channel for a series of at-home workouts.
The decision whether to do cardio or resistance training (weights) is a tough choice for some, mostly for those wanting to burn the most calories during their workout. Well, what if I told you, while resistance training may burn fewer calories during a workout, it’s still the better option for maximizing results.
Let me explain.
Imagine 2 friends—Amy and Stacey—walk into the gym together. Amy does cardio for 60 minutes while her friend Stacey does weights. Amy may have burned about 300 – 600 calories, depending on intensity. Stacey burned only about 200 – 400 calories. However, Stacey will continue to burn calories for the next 18 – 36 hours! Amy stopped burning calories the moment she turned off the cardio machine.
Why and how does this happen? In the simplest of explanations, when the body uses weights or does resistance training, you actually create micro tears in the muscle fibers. The body must work hard to fill or fix those tears within the body. This takes time and the body uses a lot of energy. The body also has to recuperate, and while cardio burns calories during the exercise like cycling or running, the weight training takes a lot more work, energy, and therefore will take 18-36 hours of calorie burn. Lucky you if you’re doing weights!
While a person who does cardio needs to work out daily, those who do resistance training can get away with training just 3 times per week to equal similar caloric burn for the week.
Do you take vitamins? Supplements? Powders? I do!
Here’s why.
Even if we ate the perfect foods throughout the day, we’d still be missing some essential vitamins or nutrients to maximize our bodies’ performance. But, most of us don’t eat perfectly each day. So by taking a few vitamins and supplements regularly, this can and will help balance out what perhaps is missing and/or just make you feel more energetic and alive.
Well, what the heck do you take Steve? Ha, I didn’t think you’d ask.
I’m simple and I don’t take much. I use a simple men’s one-a-day vitamin/multi mineral, a supplement called CuraMed, and I also take a vitamin D pill daily.
***First off, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV! So my opinions are always just that. Before trying something new, please consult with your doctor.***
Which brand to choose is, obviously, solely up to you and your budget. Whole Foods, Costco, and most vitamin stores carry several decent brands. I don’t recommend buying from a pharmacy or grocery store, though. These usually stay on shelves a lot longer than places that specialize in health and supplements, and you want your product to be as fresh as possible.
💪 Steve Uses 💪
Age 50+ Multi (365 Whole Foods Brand)
Vitamin D 3 10,000 IU (Solgar)
CuraMed (Terry Naturally)
Wellness Formula (Source Naturals)
My doctor recommended that I take a vitamin D, so I take 10,000 IU per day (1 tiny pill). The CuraMed product I take is a high dosage of curcumin which has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. (Boy, I need this.) The Wellness Formula is a product I only use when I’m feeling a bit under the weather or if someone I’ve been around lately is under the weather and I do not want to catch what they have. This is NOT taken daily.
These products are my mainstays, plus a regular high protein smoothie most mornings as well.
Wait Steve, what’s in that breakfast smoothie of yours?
Mix this up for a natural boost of energy and healthy breakfast!
I do recommend a protein powder for most as well. The idea of getting an adequate amount these days is not as easy as you think. How much is the right amount of protein is the age old question. If you ask ten nutritionist, you’d get ten differing opinions. I’ll leave that debate to them.
If you’re an active person or weekend warrior male, I’d recommend about 50% of your bodyweight in grams of protein. Think of a 200-pound man taking roughly 100 grams of protein per day. Women generally need a bit less protein if active as well, say 35-40% of their body weight. Remember a medium sized chicken breast is roughly 20-25 grams of protein, so the average male (190 lbs now) needs almost 6 -7 chicken breasts a day to get adequate intake of protein! Using a supplement (hence the name) like protein powder is very helpful.
I hope you try this smoothie and increase your vitamin intake for a healthier YOU!
Email me any comments or questions.
Do you struggle with choosing wine at a restaurant? Bar? Or lounge?
By definition, wine is: the alcoholic fermented juice of fresh grapes used as a beverage. ( But we know this already. To me, wine is a story about the earth, its elements, human touch and care told from various points of view, all bottled up and just waiting for the right moment to tell us about its adventures. Wine has many stories to share which is why there are so many different varietals to choose from!
Here I’ll share with you my preferences for best choices depending on where you are and what/if you’re eating.
Restaurant/Bar/Lounge and Eating:
Reds: Cabernet Sauvignon and any Italian wine!
Whites: Chardonnay and Sancerre (French)
Restaurant and NOT Eating:
Red: Pinot Noir and Merlot
Whites: Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay
That’s a lot to choose from. True, and a lot depends on what you’re eating. I usually will ask for a taste of two or so wines before deciding on one.
A good rule of thumb when looking at the wine list is to notice the way the wines are listed on the menu. Usually the restaurant will put the lighter and milder wines on top, and the heavier, bolder wines at the bottom.
Remember, middle of the road menus of wines will have medium bodied wines or wines that are not too overpowering for your meal. If you’re not eating and want a big juicy wine, go for the Cabernet Sauvignon–and enjoy the luscious story it has to tell! It goes great with a burger, too.
By the way, Italian red wine goes with almost every food choice, too. The Italians made their wines specifically for enjoying with food, so I always pick Italian when I’m on the fence.
Worst case, if you don’t recognize any wines or cannot make up your mind, I always ask the waitstaff or sommelier for some help. They are usually knowledgeable, eager to help, and can tell a compelling story to entice your palette!
Well, absolutely yes! Anything that can offer effective and inexpensive deep tissue massages, I’m all for it.
Who needs one? Probably everyone you know. From the weekend hiker, to the few-days-a-week workout person, to the yoga snob (just kidding!), and also to the person who never works out! Yes, this tool helps with relieving muscle stress, tight back muscles, those calf cramps, and of course, runner’s knee!
How, you ask? I thought you’d never ask. 😉 Foam rolling releases painful knots and stimulates blood flow to speed healing and enhance performance. I use this tool a few times a week on my mid-back, top of thighs, IT band (outer thighs), calves, and even under my armpit area for upper side back relief. Our bodies create knots when overuse happens. By rolling our own body weight (or parts of it), we stimulate blood flow and break down tissue. This enhances our body’s ability to heal and perform optimally.
My foam roller of choice is the TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller.
“Why train differently?” is what I used to say when I was in my twenties to those over forty. Well, now that I’m in that “ballpark” I’ll explain it simply.
Many things are the same when it comes to fitness training when you’re over the age of 40. The differences are the joints of the body. Lifting heavy weights over forty can be much more painful than it was in your twenties. So, my best advice is to do higher repetitions with lighter weights, doing 12, 15, or 20 “reps” per exercise versus doing 6 – 10 reps with heavy weights. This basic analogy will save you from the orthopedic doctor doing surgery on you! I do recommend taking less rest between exercises with a bit more intensity. This helps burn fat calories and stimulates hormone production.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn about wine and you live in the LA area, do consider going to some WineLA events. Ian Blackburn, sommelier and vintner is your host and educator. I’ve taken 3 WineLA classes and they’ve all been extremely informative and fantastically fun, with Ian engaging and educating. Each class is unique and different. Some classes are based on a region or even a “battle” (think Napa vs Bordeaux). My last class was with Paul Sherman and was all about French wines. We tasted some Champagne, a half dozen whites, and over 10 red wines from different French regions. Paul explained all about the various regions, their soil, the weather, and the how and whys! Treat yourself or a friend, and go take a class or 3!
Finding peace in LA. Seems easy, right? Miles of sandy beaches, tons of trails in the Santa Monica mountains…
What I find easier and why!
LA is huge. The beaches and some trails can be swamped with people, too. For me, finding peace and tranquility for my headspace, there is only 1 place I go— the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine. It’s located at 11790 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, 90272. This small park has a lake (hence the name) with a path around it. This path has several small dead ends with chairs to sit in. Some paths lead to flower patches, some to better sights of the waterfalls or views of the boathouse, or just an area to mediate.
I find that going here a few times a month helps clear my head. Leave the phone off and just be. At the end of the short path, stop in the gift shop and grab a bracelet or some incense!
Hi there, and thank you for visiting my website. I’m Steve Manak and I’m very excited to share with you everything that I am passionate about!
While I am a personal fitness trainer by trade, I have many other hobbies and passions that I plan to write about here in my blog. They range from things to do in LA, to restaurant recommendations, to travel destinations, to skin care product reviews, to… well, basically just about anything I enjoy and want you to know about. In essence, my goal is to share with you what I believe to be–speaking from experience–a way to live a full, fun, healthy, and balanced life. Enjoy!
In Good Health,
Steve Manak